A story as old and generic as time itself. Two lost souls meet each other at a coffee shop; however, both of them are oddly peculiar and possibly insane. Combined what will their wild machinations lead to?
A lady visits a funeral and sees someone she recognizes but dismisses the thought. Until she sees him in another funeral and another and another. Now she must learn whether he is following him or something more sinister is going on.
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Every second is the same,
Yet at will I can seemingly make them last for an eternity.
As long as I have nothing to do.
When I want to make them last the most is when I forget they exist,
Sprinklers?! Great Invention or Weapon from Aliens?
Dear sister,
I have heard that Mother has been propagating a vicious rumor that I may have gone mad. I object. I have never been more coherent in my life. I am writing to you that you may know the threat that lurks in the suburban landscape of America. We are taught by society to have the perfect greenest yard one can possibly own. It demonstrates wealth, character, and all that jazz. This is constantly implied in stories, advertisements, etc. However, a perfect green yard comes with a heavy price, sprinklers...